


Frequently Asked Questions

Complete a straightforward form with basic details. Drop off required documents and thats it.

Citizenship Copy
Pan Card Photocopy
Bank Cheque Photocopy or QR Photocopy
DMAT Confirmation (Optional)

Fill the bank update form (available on the website or during office visits).
Submit the form to KYC via Viber, email, or in person.
Include a photocopy of the bank cheque for verification.

Payment will only be deposited after request from client. To request for payment viber at 9801263007 by providing client code. Payment will be deposited within hours by the same day. Incase of any errors or queries call 01-576894 or contact via viber on 9801263007.

Information on payment processing timeframe.
Payments for selling are processed as follows:
Sell on Sunday: Request on Wednesday
Monday: Request on Thursday
Tuesday: Request on Friday Wednesday: Request on Sunday
Thursday: Request on Monday
Adjust your request day to next working day if there are holidays in between.

Clients can request their statements and ledger by requesting through viber on 9801263007 or call at 01-576894 which will be sent by mail.